Marma and Its Management
Marma Vigyan is one of the specialties of Ayurveda. The development of standards of treatment for the acutely injured has been closely related to several significant medical discoveries, organized care of the acutely injured, though comparatively recent innovations. In history of trauma in the world is traced, from period of sushrat in India when Crimean war 1854 casualties broke out the care of military and civilian casualties was a random hap-hazard process since being civil control over trauma epidemics. Due to foreign rule in India for plenty of time, the medical science of the level could not progress therefore development of Marma Vigyan also suffered. There was discriminative treatment to Indian medical science so far as the development is concerned. How ever it can be pleaded that Marma Vigyan is collection of fundamental of knowledge of Marma. Newer techniques of investigations and management have changed the scenario of acutely injured patients but the anatomical importance of the structure and tissues still holds the importance. Marma of Sushruta and even before that period is in very precise form. Many scholars have on it to explain and interpret the couplets but in author's opinion unless and until the material provided in classics is not supported by documentation the relevancy of the product is at stake. The Authors have made a little effort through his book to support the observations laid in classics regarding Marma Vigyan to enhance its importance and application in today's life. The subject has been tried to update with the help of illustrative diagrams and experiences of surgeons and scientists on military and civil wounds published in medical journals.
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Pradeep Kumar Chouhan