Restructuring the Foundations of Schools: The Role of ICTs in Elementary and Secondary Education
ICT is an integrated tool in the students' and teachers' daily work, and also a channel for communication and guidance. In this book we are exploring how modern communication technology can support and increase the student activity, lead them to instructing their own knowledge and facilitate a more flexible system of practical training that gives the students tangible experiences with the activity they are in. This book concerns how ICT can create new, open learning environments and their instrumental role in shifting the emphasis from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered environment; where teachers move from the key source of information and transmitter of knowledge to become a collaborator and co-learner; and where the role of students changes from one of passively receiving information to being actively involved in their own learning. It also indicates that efforts to ensure equal access to educational opportunities and quality education for almost be accompanied by wide-range of educational reforms. Such reforms are not likely to succeed without addressing the roles played by teachers in preparing students for an emerging knowledge-based and technology-driven society.
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