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Mental Development in the Child and the Race

James Mark Baldwin (Author)
Synopsis Baldwin's Mental Development is a central text in the development of social psychology in North America and recently has re-emerged as a primary source in artificial intelligence, being part of the set of Baldwin publication documenting what is now known as "the Baldwin Effect." Unfortunately, we have not been able to obtain a usable copy of the 1895 edition and have had to rely on a reprint of the third edition. Intervening years introduced some changes and reference in the 1890s documents will not always be relevant to this version. The book is often referenced ad a predecessor to Mead’s analysis of the development of the self. Following Royce, Baldwin had argued for a development process, a stepwise bootstrapping into selfhood, ideas similar to those later expounded by Mead. Also, Baldwin argues for the co-emergence of concepts of self and other, of ego and alter, ideas that would also be developed more fully Cooley and Mead.
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Bibliographic information

Title Mental Development in the Child and the Race
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Cosmo Publications
Language: English
isbn 8177554670
length xviii+481p., Appendix; 23cm.