Analysis and Design of Control Systems Using Matlab
Control systems engineering is a multidisciplinary subject and presents a control engineering methodology based on mathematical fundamentals and stresses physical system modeling. `Analysis and design of control systems using MATLAB` book is designed as an introductory undergraduate course in control systems for engineering students of all disciplines. The classical methods of control systems engineering are covered here using MATLAB software, matrix analysis, Laplace transforms and transfer functions, root locus analysis and design, frequency response methods of analysis including Bode, Nyquist, and Nichols, second order systems approximations, phase and gain margin and bandwidth, and state space variable method. Presentations are limited to linear, time-invariant continuous systems.
The numerous worked examples (218 problems and solutions) are intended to provide the reader with an awareness of the general applicability of control theory using MATLAB. Solutions to problems given in MATLAB Basics and also MATLAB Tutorials in this edition will further help the students to assess their calibre.
An extensive bibliography to guide the student to further sources of information on control systems engineering using MATLAB is provided at the end of the book.
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