Organic Farming in India: Problems & Prospects
The book†Organic faring in India; problems and Prospects†has been written keeping in view the conditions of the country and gaining importance of organic farming as it provides nutritious food to human beings and thus improve the quality of life. Organic farming helps to sustain crop productivity besides maintaining soil health and healthy ecosystem. The book has been written for the benefit of all those who are interested in increasing their knowledge and understanding about organic farming emanating from the concerted efforts made by a number of workers. The essential concept of organic farming practices remains the same i.e. back to nature, where philosophy is to feed the soil rather than the crops to maintain soil health and it is a means of giving back to the nature what has been taken from it. It is hoped that the information contained in this book will be of immense value to the farming community, extension workers involved in promoting organic farming and to students interested in leering the basic ideas of organic farming.
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P. Tripathy