Mechanization of Dryland Agriculture
Dryland Mechanism improves productivity profitability and sustainability of dryland agriculture. Mechanization of Dryland Agriculture involves identification and selection of suitable machinery and implements for different operations based on location specific needs an power resources available. Network of small fabrication in rural area is important to ensure local availability of proven tools. Custom hiring of implements and availability for use on payment of small rental charges respectively but also creates skilled are discussed in depth by well experiences authors in their respective fields. The book covers topics on design and development of implements suitable for different farming systems in drylands to achieve timeliness and precision, manufacturing industry perspective, agri-business potential, custom hiring centres, automation, value addition, role of information technology, socio-economic aspects, gender and policy issues etc. The book provides a wholesome insight into mechanization needs, design criteria, manufacturing technology, extension through industry and custom hiring centres, use of information technology, agri-business etc are important issues covered in addition to technical, industrial, social, economic, gender and policy issues. The book will be most beneficial to planners, policy makers, scientists, teachers, students, extension workers and rural development agencies.
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G.R. Korwar
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