Tiger: The Ultimate Guide
Ever since man first set eyes on the tiger, it has captivated people the world over. With its exceptional photography and insightful text. Tiger : The Ultimate Guide is a fitting tribute to this fascinating creature. An indispensable resource for animal lovers and conservationists alike, this book offers the most complete account to date of the natural and cultural history of the tiger -- from its evolution and behavior to its symbolic importance in myth and ritual. Anecdotal and statistical information concerning the tiger's continued exploitation and struggle for survival, past and present, illuminate and inform a discussion of current preservation efforts. Lavishly illustrated with more than 200 images, Tiger : The Ultimate Guide features an unsurpassed collection of photographs of tigers in the wild, many never before published, that showcase the work of some of the world's finest photographers. Also included are superb examples of tiger-inspired art through the centuries - from ancient mosaics and Indian paintings to the work of European artists such as Delacroix, Bugatti, Stubbs, Rousseau, and Dali. The extraordinary array of illustrations presented in this distinctive volume has been drawn from archives, private collections, and museums around the world. A passionate first-person narrative by Valmik Thapar, who has spent most of the last thirty years observing tigers in the wild and fighting to ensure their survival, is supplemented by the latest scientific findings and essays by twenty of the world's most renowned experts. This stunning book explores every aspect of one of nature's most majestic animals, making Tiger : The Ultimate Guide as authoritative as it is beautiful.
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