Diversification in Agriculture
‘Diversification in Agriculture’ is a paradigm shift from one crop to another bringing out a desirable change in the existing cropping pattern towards more balanced cropping system to meet ever increasing demand for cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibres, fodder and grasses, horticultural crops and fuel, etc. for the burgeoning population. It aims to improving soil health and agro-ecosystem with socio-economic improvement of the people. It takes into account of the economic returns from different crops and other allied farming for the development of the nations. It implies the use of resources in a larger mix of diverse crop group having complementary activities within crop sector and shifting of resources from less value crops to high value crops. With globalization of market, now crop diversification in agriculture means to increase the total productivity in terms of quality, quantity and monetary value under diverse agro-climatic situations of the country. It is now of urgent necessity for the third world developing countries for their overall sustainable development. It is affected with varying nature of risks, opportunities and feasibilities of enhanced socio-economic and agro-economic security. The author has been prompted to write this book which is chalked out into nine chapters viz. Concept of Crop Diversification in Agriculture, Productive Agriculture, Commercial Horticulture, Cropping Systems, Forest and Forestry, Organic Farming, Alternate or Diversified Agriculture, Balanced Fertilization and Researches for meeting the challenges ahead. Hope this book will augment the modern thoughts of the scientists, planners, economists and the ultimate food growers of the country, for whom planning is done towards reaching the ultimate goal of prosperity of the nation. Suggestions are invited for enriching the contents of the subject.
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