Dynamics of International Politics
International Politics as a paper is being taught at the graduate and post graduate level in Political Science syllabus in almost all the Indian Universities. The various courses conducted by various institutions at the Central and State level too have been considered here in respect of their syllabus, course contents and requirements. Thus the material presented here would be of interest as well as great use to the students of Political Science. This book has been especially designed for UGC-NET Examination, M.A. (Political Science) and other competitive examinations conducted by UPSC and Public Service Commission of various States. CONTENTS Emerging Issues of World Order; Emerging World Order; International Political Geography; Two World Wars; Emergence of Super Powers; Colonialism and Decolonialism; Balance of Power; Cold War; End of Cold War; Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament; Non-Alignment and Economic Development; New World Order; etc.
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