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Clinical Approach to Promotion of Entrepreneurship among Women: In Reference to Asia

E.D. Setty (Author)
Synopsis The volume covers the need, the way to go about developing entrepreneurship, in general, and specifically among women of diverse socio-economic background. Besides the introduction, the book consists of eleven chapters namely Women in Society; A Model for Developing Agro-Enterprises Among Farm Women in Asia; Empowerment and Development of the Poor through their Participation – A Case Study from Bangladesh; Role of Banks in Entrepreneurship Development; Extension Education in Aid of Agricultural Marketing; Small-Scale Industrial Development in the Asian Context; Rural Industrialization in India; Field Approach to Development of Entrepreneurship; Role of Women in Socio-economic Development; Entrepreneurial Initiatives by Women Self-help Groups in Andhra Pradesh; Efforts of NGOs in Promoting Mini-enterprises among Women; etc. It is a trifocal study primarily focusing on developing entrepreneurship among women, secondly the need to go in for entrepreneurship development in general, and finally and rather importantly going in for rural industrialization. It is believed that the book will be of interest and use for the people engaged in promoting entrepreneurship in general and particularly among women, trainers and teachers in the field of EDP and the students pursuing courses in entrepreneurship development. The book in a word describes the course of action one may have to take in promoting entrepreneurship.
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About the author

E.D. Setty

Dr. E. Desingu Setty, trained as a social scientist has extensive and diverse national and international experience in the field of development for around a half century. He was awarded Ford Foundation scholarship for his undergraduate program in Rural Studies. He holds two Master Degrees, viz., MCD & MA and PhD. Served as a direct hire international faculty at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand for a period of nine years. A celebrated writer of thirteen books and over fifty papers and articles published in national and international journals, his three-volume work on the Valayar of South India is likened to Nobel Laureate Gunnar Myrdal’s Asian Drama. Prepared a report on Rural Industrialization, Small-Scale and Cottage Industries in Asia under the aegis of the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, Japan, Served as a consultant to UNESCAP, UNESCO, BRAC (Dhaka), Bangladesh, LIPI (Indonesia) and Continuing Education Center, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand). He was Professor at Maharishi Institute of Management, Visiting Professor at M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies and CMR Institute of Management, Bangalore, India. Presently working as a Consultant with Dr. MCR HRD Institute of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Clinical Approach to Promotion of Entrepreneurship among Women: In Reference to Asia
Author E.D. Setty
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126118857
length xiv+415p., Figures; Tables; References; Appendices; Index; 23cm.