Library Digital Technology
Library management systems are but a segment of a world of information technology and elsewhere there are a variety of systems which are designed primarily to present the customer with information which they can use directly, but in electronic form. Some of the crucial aspects on the theme are exhaustively dealt with in this book. The valuable and authentic information is organized in five chapters namely- introduction; bibliographic software; electronic services; online cataloguing in digital age; and video in libraries etc. Students and teachers in the field besides the library professionals will find it a dependable reference tool.
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Books by the same authors
Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Technology for 21st Century (Vol. 1-10.)
Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Technology for 21st Century (Vol. 11-20.)
Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Technology for 21st Century (Vol. 21-30.)
Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Technology for 21st Century (Vol. 31-40.)
Library Organisation
Bibliographic information
P.K. Paliwal