Introduction to Algae
Algae constitute and important group of cryptogams whose study is essential for all the students of Botany. They (Algae) constitute an integral past of the flora both in fresh water and marine waters. In the evolutionary hierarchy of plants, algae occupy a pivotal position as they pave the path for structural and functional adaptations of plants at the basic level. A detailed study of algae is a part and parcel of the curriculum for the students of Botany at the undergraduate and post graduate level.An Introduction to Algae is a text book meant for undergraduate students studying botany. The format of the book has been prepared in such a way that students of all Indian Universities can use this book. Post graduate students also will find the book useful for their studies.The book consists of nine chapters. Chapter one deals with the general characters of Algae. Chapters 3 to 8 deal with different classes of Algae including life history study of several important members. The book is profusely illustrated to make the understanding of the subject easy.
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