Automated Library Serials
The introduction of a new integrated library system might be the first realistic opportunity to introduce all automated serials control system. It is essential to ensure that the system will contribute to improved performance in achieving organizational, library and departmental objectives. The overall objective of the serials department is to ensure, on a continuing basis, that the serials collection is relevant to, and reflects the need of, the user community. The introduction of an automated system will not only have a major impact upon the organization of specific staff duties and tasks, it will also affect the organizational structure, policies and procedures. This book will prove a veritable mine of information on core issues on the subject. The rich contents e.g. introduction, national database; serials cataloguing; serials preservation development issues, vendor selection, non-traditional library employment; journal availability etc. will immensely benefit all the concerned.
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Library Organisation
Bibliographic information
P.K. Paliwal