Practical Manual of Plant Anatomy and Embryology
Practical Manual of plant Anatomy and Embryology aims to provide the students all they need to know about the practical aspects such as internal structure, systematic identification and stages of development of reproductive organs of Angiosperms. A number of labeled diagrams included in the text is meant to help the students’ comprehension of the subject. The manual consists of twelve chapters with the first chapter dealing with all the basic requirements in the botany laboratory that a student should know. The working of compound microscope, the most important tool in the laboratory is explained in great detail in the introduction, along with various procedures of study such as section cutting, staining, mounting etc. Chapters 2-7 deal with Anatomical structures of various Plant organs while chapters 8-12 deal with different Embryological stages of reproductive structures. With the increased awareness of importance of laboratory studies, this practical manual should serve as an important aid to help students familiarize themselves with laboratory methods in Botany.
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