Plant Physiology
One of the modern branches of botany where interdisciplinary contributions from Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics are essential for understanding is Plant Physiology. Plant Physiology deals with functional aspects (of plant organs) such as absorption, assimilation, transportation, energy interactions etc. All these functional aspects follow the same basic principles of physics and chemical laws. Hence for any understanding to topics in plant physiology an emphasis on the underlying physico-chemical principles is necessary. This book aims to follow this approach. Plant Physiology is a text book meant for B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.), and M.Sc. students. The book has 26 chapters covering all aspects of plant physiology-Inorganic, organic as well as bioenergetics. All the topics are dealt with exhaustively and concepts are clearly focused to make their understanding easy. A simple and direct style of narration is used throughout the book. The book is profusely illustrated to explain the concepts and principles.
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