Research Methodology in Social Sciences
This book serves as a kit of equipments and designed to function as a reference, text, a handbook and as a research tool for analysts. It focuses on the rate theoretical and philosophical perspective, of research methods and painfully deletes the mathematical and statistical wings of the subject. With extended margins, the book contributes in sphere of identifying research concepts, designing stages and lay-out, fact-filtering process, ascertainment of precision, depth, exposure to risks in amplification, constraints in consistent projection etc. Celebrated controversies on empiricism positivism, value-judgements, paradigm ranges, logical coherence, roles of persuasive penetrators, like motives, orientations and directives etc. in policy-making, interplay between realm of realism and domain of values, epistemological orbits tests of methodological strength, amplification controls, within the chest of logic are the central themes contained herein. Towards the arcades, the book attempts an excellent application in theory-building, environmental cost-accounting, factor-use analysis, project evaluation, and concurrent assessments. It's a novel collection of valuable and provoking research material, apparatus and methodology for social sciences. Embarking upon a programme of research with elevated spirits of adventure, the reader is likely to be amply rewarded by this book in his noble mission to learn, apply, and evolve scientific knowledge building.
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