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An Introduction to Dynamics

V.K. Srivastava (Author)
Synopsis Understanding of vectors and vector analysis is necessary in order to have proper grasp of phenomena related with motion dynamics in particles, rigid bodies and deformable bodies. In the case of velocity of particles, acceleration, motion laws, force, mass, motion under different situations, harmonic motion, vibration, work and energy are studied. In the case of rigid bodied, motion study deals with centre of mass, linear and angular momentum, inertia, percussion, torque, procession of equinoxes, work and energy, etc. On the other hand, motions of deformable bodied are studied subject to strain, stress, torsion to understand transverse waves and reflection of waves in wires, longitudinal waves in springs and waves in homogeneous isotropic medium. The present book is an attempt to explain all these and numerous other concepts in easy-to-understand manner. Tehe book will suit to the needs of students, teachers, scholars and general readers.
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About the author

V.K. Srivastava

V.K. Srivastava has a brilliant academic record. He obtained his M.Sc. degree. Presently he is working as Reader in Nuclear Physics. He has teaching experience of over 25 years. He is frequently teaches the one-Semester in Nuclear Physics course and advises several Ph.D. students. His interest in writing led to the publication of this highly successful textbook of Physics. As a prolific, he has published widely in this area and has authored many outstanding books. As authority of the Subject, His writings are often cited and referred today keeping with his entrepreneurial spirit.

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Bibliographic information

Title An Introduction to Dynamics
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher ABD Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8183760783
length viii+218p., tables; Figures; Index; 23cm.