Market-Led Extension Dimensions and Tools
The WTO provisions are causing deep disturbances in the farming front. The rapidly changing face of agriculture calls for a redefining of priorities and alternate management strategies. It is widely realized that marketing which had been more or less pushed backstage by the average farmer has to come to the forefront now. Therefore, it is the urgent need of the day that the policy makers, planners and change agents who work directly or indirectly with/for the farmers have4 to be sensitiesd on the need for market led extension. The book aims to orient the readers on the changing market environment I agriculture emerging on accent of globalization, liberalization and the post WTO regime. The stakeholders in agriculture should have through market consciousness and a grasp of the intricacies of market oriented production techniques to be able to handle the new challenges. For this, an increasing awareness in market led extension strategies and tools is imperative. It is with this broad aim that the content of the book is organized. It covers the following major topics.
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Jayasree Krishnankutty
F.M.H. Kaleel