The Magic of Masala Cooking
There are numerous books on Indian Cookery available on the shelf. Most of the books include unobtainable ingredients, baffling techniques and pages of description that confuse the reader. The Magic of Masala Cooking has simple straight-forward instructions, right choice of ingredients, the proportion and quantities used, sequence of cooking, techniques of handling fire and easy cooking methods to ensure successful results every time. The Magic of Masala Cooking is not a mere collection of Indian recipes. The attempt is to amplify the richness, diversity, subtlety and various nuances of the versatile Indian cuisine. It takes on a culinary journey from North to South and from East to West. The repertoire is rich, vast, and seductive, both in vegetarian and non-vegetarian flairs. It includes traditional favourites and regional specialties. It is the author's endeavour that this book will be an inspiration and motivation to the Connoisseurs who enjoy cooking and relish Indian delicacies. Every recipe in this book has tried and tested over the over again until it was perfect. The recipes are the treasure collection of the author collected over 38 years working with Master Chefs in India.
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