Indian Affairs Annual 2006 (In 9 Volumes)
Indian Affairs Annual seeks to provides an appraisal of the steps taken by the Government of the day to implement the commitments made in its programmes and the other initiatives promised in subsequent policy statements. The present exercise has been undertaken to report to the readers the workdone during the last fiscal. The Annual can be used as a ready reckoner for discussions. In a democracy people have to maintain a close watch on the pace and effectiveness of the implementation of the promises made in the election manifestoes. The Government of the day, it is hoped, is able to move beyond these commitments to lay the foundation for sustained long-term economic growth and development, based on a commitment to equality and efficiency and to the welfare of all sections of society, especially the weaker sections and minorities. The book has been compiled to nine volumes which is comprised of Vol. 1: Prime Minister of India, Vol. 1: Home Affairs, Vol. 3: Finance, Vol. 4: Parliament, Vol. 5: Defence, Vol. 6: Human Resource Development, Vol. 7: Commerce and Agriculture, Vol. 8: Social Justice and Empowerment (SC/OBC, Minorities, Women), Tribals, Environment, Human Rights, Rural Development, Vol. 9: Culture, Tourism, Information and Broadcasting, Planning Information Technology, Sports and Youth Affairs.
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