The State of Indian Economy (In 4 Volumes)
This volume introduces various problems of post-globalisation economic activities in India. The rethinking about the present mode of globalisation are the thrust of this volume. It accounts for the cross culture of MNCs, capital account convertibility, trends in FDI and its impact, agriculture and non-agriculture scenario, role of states, consumer’s interest, impact on tribal communities, impact on banking sector and the emerging trends and issues in higher education etc. All the sectors encountered here are symptomatically directed towards rearrangements and rethinking of the neo-liberlisation growth model. Infrastructure is one of the basic requirements for the developmental innovations. The role of services sector in Indian economy has of a great significance no doubt, but surprisingly it raises the eyebrows for having a share of 54 per cent of the GDP, because traditionally, services sector is expected to depend upon the production sectors, in which a decelerating or stagnation trend is being experienced of late. The matter has been extensively discussed in this volume. The issues of the state economies, women empowerment, transport, education and banking are exhaustively assessed by the eminent experts in the areas. The economic development in Indian conditions is more oriented towards rural and agricultural development. In most cases, the impact studies are explored in this volume. The issues like food security, sustainable agricultural development, credit, irrigation, green revolution, micro-finances and rural poverty concerns are deeply elaborated by the specialized group of experts. The rural regional problems have different entity in the special planning and development; hence the regional studies have been given special significance in the volume. The ecological and resource economics is a new branch of economic literature developed since the Earth Summit 1986. the issues pertaining to the resources or the environmental degradation vis a vis their abatement efforts in economic framework are being warranted by the authors in this volume with reference to policy, taxonomy, CPRM, gender, water, energy, HRM, survival strategies and health; which are innately extended to the readers. The concept of green agenda and green GDP are in the development agenda of most of the states in India.
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Y.V. Jugale