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Sufis and Soldiers in Awrangzeb’s Deccan : Malfuzat-i-Naqshbandiyya

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About the author

Simon Digby

Simon Digby was born in Jabalpur in 1932, the son of judge and an artist renowned for her Indian landscapes. His own wide-ranging interests in the culture of the Indian subcontinent embrace religious, literary, social, and military history. He divides his time between South Asia and Jersey, Channel Islands.

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Bibliographic information

Title Sufis and Soldiers in Awrangzeb’s Deccan : Malfuzat-i-Naqshbandiyya
Author Simon Digby
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2001
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 0195644611
length xxviii+275p., Plates; 23cm.
Subjects History
