Culture and Political History of Kashmir (In 3 Volumes)
The number of books written on Kashmir is legion. Most of them deal with the natural beauty of this “Paradise on Earthâ€. However, little has been written on the people whose life and history are equally interesting for they have given to humanity thought and craft that added to its dignity, elegance and colour. Kashmir has the unique distinction of having a long tradition of historical records, Kalhana’s Rajatarangini being the sole history in Sanskrit literature. But these records follow the usual mode of presenting a list of kings, queens and their ministers or an account of their expeditions to neighbouring principalities. There is hardly any mention of the people who inhabit the land. But in recent years the study of history has undergone a sea change. A book written on the old pattern which would barely mention Asoka the great or Lalitaditya and his ephemeral empire would be as incomplete as those which ignore the social setting of political and intellectual history. This book has been written with the object of giving a comprehensive story of Kashnir revolving round the common man’s political, social and cultural life from prehistoric times to the present day. Situated in a sensitive geo-political region where recently terrorism has raised its ugly head, Kashmir has attracted world attention. The genesis of this malady has been dealt with in detail. It is hoped the book will help the reader to understand the situation with all its ramifications.
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