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Research Methodology for Biological Sciences

N. Gurumani (Author)
Synopsis Research is an investigation in very narrow field of any branch of science or arts and every field of specialization has its own methodology. This book provides information on the basics of research methodology and on the principles and application of some important laboratory methods pertaining to biological sciences. The fundamental aspects of research and of a research report have been comprehensively dealt with, which would introduce students and researchers it important aspects like literature survey, experimental design, collection and analysis of data, and writing and preparing a research report. The principles of data, and writing and preparing a research report. The principles and application of laboratory methods have been explained in a simple manner such that even biophysical principles can be easily understood by students of biology. This book would help the readers to gain a through familiarity with the basics of research which would greatly help them not only in the proper planning and execution of their research work but also in the preparation of the report and more importantly in getting it published in a reputed journal or getting it approved for the award of a research degree.
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About the author

N. Gurumani

Dr. N. Gurumani, head of the department of Microbiology. Pachaityappa’s College, Cehnnai, had served earlier as head of the department of Zoology in the same college. He has thirty-five years of teaching and research experience in the field of Zoology. He has guided more than fifty M. Phil. and Give Ph.D. scholars in the field of Comparative Endocrinology and has many research publications to his credit. He has been a member of the Academic Council and Board of Studies (Post Graduate) of the University of madras, Annamalai University and many of the autonomous colleges in Tamilnadu. He has authored a book An Introduction to Biostatics.

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Bibliographic information

Title Research Methodology for Biological Sciences
Author N. Gurumani
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher MJP Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8180940160
length xviii+ 753p., Tables; Figures; Glossary; Index; 24cm.