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R. Santhi (Author) M.S. Nalina Sundari (Author)
Synopsis Entomology is the science of the study of insects, and this book is a simple, well-illustrated and up-to-date account of the subject. The important basic topics in entomology including the classification and structure of insects have been concisely dealt with and applied topics like Economic Entomology, Medical Entomology, Agricultural Entomology and Insect Control have been outlined in considerable detail, which would help the outlined in considerable detail, which would help the beginners to gain an overall understanding of the subject.
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About the authors

R. Santhi

Dr. R. Santhi, Vice Principal, Tagore College of arts and science, Chennai, had her postgraduate and doctoral Degrees from the department of Zoology of university of Madras. Her research interest includes Crustacean Biology and Entomology. She has fifteen years of teaching and research and her research works have been published in reputed international journals.

M.S. Nalina Sundari

Dr. M.S. Nalina Sundari, obtained her Ph.D. from Thiagarajar College of Madurai Kamaraj University. Her research work was in the field of integrated pest management system. She was a post-doctoral fellow at CBT, Anna University and at Department of Zoology of university of madras. Presently, she is a teacher at the Postgraduate and research department of Zoology of the Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. She has 22 papers published in reputed journals, and has presented papers in many national and international symposia.

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Bibliographic information

Title Entomology
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher MJP Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8180940152
length xxiv+382p., Tables; Figures; References; Index; 22cm.