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The Baiga

Verrier Elwin (Author)
Synopsis The Baiga tribe is one of the important tribes in India. It has a long tradition, behind it, which can be traced back to ancient times. This tribe is mainly based in Central India. Baigas can easily be described as a tribe, which has been least affected by the modern civilization. Baigas, having potential and significance demand good work on their history, culture and civilization. But, unfortunately there had been a dearth of book on this subject. This book is a life work of the eminent author, which has a wider significance, in view of its originality, painstakingly research and vital approach.This book is a treasure of knowledge regarding Baigas, a must for all scholars and anthropologists.
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About the author

Verrier Elwin

Verrier Elwin (1902-64) was unquestionably the pioneering scholar of India's tribal peoples. His anthropological studies and popular books on tribal custom, art, myth, and folklore were pathbreaking both for anthropology and the awareness of cultural diversity in the subcontinent. An ardent advocate of the rights of the tribal peoples, Elwin was also, from 1954 to his death in 1964, an advisor on tribal affairs to the Government of India.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Baiga
Author Verrier Elwin
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2007
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121200547
length xxxi+550p., Figures; Plates; Appendix; Index; 23cm.