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Buddhism in Modern India

D C Ahir (Author)
Synopsis The Buddhist revival movement began in India in 1891 with the founding of the Maha Bodhi Society by Anagarika Dharmapala in 1891. For the next 65 years, the revival movement made slow but steady progress. Then it took a big leap forward. This happened on 14 October 1956 when Dr. B.R. Ambedkar gave a clarion call to millions of his followers to seek refuge in the Buddha Dhamma. By now, Buddhism in India has regained much of its lost prestige. The Buddhist sacred shrines have since been repaired and renovated to a great extent, and are once again humming with the sweet sound of ‘Buddham Saranam Gacchami’. Also, the Blessed one is now the guiding star of a vast multitude in India. Not only that, the Buddha and the Buddhist heritage now command respect and reverence, which was their due, among all Indians. This book presents a comprehensive survey of rebirth of Buddhism in the land of its birth. Besides giving uptodate information on modern Buddhism: its history, sites and shrines, bhikkhus and viharas, societies and institutions, and literature, it also gives a brief history of the Himalayan Buddhists, the people who preserved the Dhamma through the ages. A chapter on Buddhist Customs and Manners has also been added. All this data makes it a valuable reference and guide book on Buddhism in Modern India.
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About the author

D C Ahir

D.C. Ahir (born 1928, Punjab) is a reputed scholar of Buddhist studies, and has made notable contribution to the history of Buddhism during the last 42 years. He retired as Director to the Government of India in February 1986, and since then is fully engaged in enriching literature. He already has more than forty published works to his credit, besides numerous articles on Buddhism. In appreciation of his noble and notable contribution to the Buddhist Literature as a Distinguished Scholarand Author, the Maha Bodhi Society of India, Sarnath conferred on him on 30 November 2001 the Honorary Title of Buddha Sahitya Shiromani.

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Bibliographic information

Title Buddhism in Modern India
Author D C Ahir
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1991
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170302544
length xvi+201p., Tables; Appendices; 23cm.