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Ethnobotany: The Renaissance of Traditinal Herbal Medicine

Rajiv K Sinha (Author)
Synopsis The book is based on the original research of the author. The herbal vendors are "barefoot doctors" giving door to door medical service. They are descendants of primitive tribal communities of Central India who have acquired knowledge about herbal medicine from their forefathers through accumulated experience and often through experimentations upon themselves. The plants and plant products used by the herbal vendors as medicines; their biochemical compounds responsible for the biological action; and the diseases in which they are used as a cure have been recorded. A noteworthy feature is the scientific assessment of the herbal treatment given by herbal vendors which has stood to the test of modern investigations thus justifying their role in community health-care system.
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Bibliographic information

Title Ethnobotany: The Renaissance of Traditinal Herbal Medicine
Author Rajiv K Sinha
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1996
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length xvi+242, Figures; Tables; Plates, References; Appendix; Index; 23cm.