Encyclopaedia of Indian Parliament (Volume 11 to 20)
Encyclopaedia of Indian Parliament, a multi-volume, continuing series, is an attempt to provide authentic, factual and analytical information about Parliament of India in its different facets. A beginning having been made with Central Executive Legislation in India since independence. The encyclopaedia covers working, procedures, practices and systems being followed by this bicameral supreme legislative, multifunctional and over-burdened body of federal India. The series when completed, among many other topics will cover legislative functions of Parliament, committee system, socio-economic background of members of both the Houses of Parliament, their powers, privileges and immunities, formation of Council of Ministers, role of Prime Minister, Presiding Officers and opposition parties in the working of parliamentary system in India, question hour in both houses of Parliament etc. etc. Several considerably important but so far untouched and less touched topics relating to Indian Parliament are comprehensively covered in the series.
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