Age of the Nandas and Mauryas
The present work deals with the period c. 400-185 BC which saw great changes in the political, economic and artistic life of India. Alexander : Chandragupta, Chanakya and Asoka dominate the period. We get vivid pictures of the outstanding events of the period-as of Alexander's conquests and their influence on the cultural life of India, of the fusion of Brahma-Ksatra in the early Mauryan rule after the overthrow of the Nandas and of the rule of Asoka and his successors. The work consists of eleven chapters contributed by eminent historians like Profs. H.C. Ray Chaudhuri, K.A. Nilakanta Sastri, J.N. Banerjea, P.c. Bagchi, S.K. Chatterjee, V. Raghvan, and Niharranjan Ray. The reader would find the chapters on Mauryan Polity, Industry, Art, Religion, Language, and Literature very interesting and instructive.
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