Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya and Linguistic Monism: Prof. K V Abhyanakar Memorial Lectures (Third Series)
On March 17-19, 1985, Professor Bishnupada Bhattacharya delivered at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, the Professor K.V. Abhyankar Memorial Lectures (Third Series) on "Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya and Linguistic Monism: A Philosophical Study" and "Linguistic Speculations in Sanskrit Poetics". His two lectures on the first theme are being published in this volume, which, though tiny in size, is, I believe, profound in contents...
In the present lectures, Professor Bhattacharya has turned his searchlight on the philosophy of language. It is hoped that they will suitably supplement the lectures delivered by Professor K.A. Subramania Iyer, under this very lectureship and on more or less the same theme, five years ago.
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