Art and Culture under the Kusanas
The present book ‘Art and Culture under the Kusanas’ surveyas in an elaborate form, the political social, religious conditions, as well as the development of art and architecture in North and North-Western India, during the early Christian centuries. It also provides an interesting study of the traditions and heritage of the region as well as the elements of the religious faiths and beliefs that prevailed in the region. This is an era in the whole history of civilisation when numerous peoples and cultures met and reacted in a coherent manner. This period is also notable for the development of art and architecture. Two art styles emerged, one in Gandhara region and the other at Mathura emerged. Buddha figure, as well as scenes from his life were carved out with great zeal and became the vehicle for propagation of Buddhist faith in far off lands, at Mathura Brahmanical divinities were moulded for the first time and the period became the formative stage for the development of art in the country. The figures produced by the artists are known for beauty and suppleness. Te author has discussed in detail various aspects of art and culture of the time and has made in this an important contribution in the field which had not been fully explored.
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