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Dr. Ambedkar and Punjab

D C Ahir (Author)
Synopsis This book is the first of its kind which gives an over-all view of the romantic relationship of Dr. Ambedkar with the people of Punjab and the role played them in his life and movement. After Maharashtra, the home state of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the Saviour of the downtrodden, if there is any other State which can take pride of having the closest association with Dr. Ambedkar, it is the Punjab. In fact, in certain respects, the Pubjab even surpasses Maharashtra. The story of Dr. Ambedkar and Punjab begins with the Ad Dharm movement which was making waves in the Pubjab prior to his advent and of his three visits to Pubjab in 1932, 1936, and 1951; his three gifts to the people of Punjab; what his three Punjabi benefactors did for him; the Jat-Pat-Todak Mandal (1936) episode and the resultant Gandhi-Ambedkar debate in regard to the annihilation of caste; revival of Buddhism in the Punjab; contribution of Punjabi Buddhist scholars; and the Punjabi Ambedkarites and Buddhism in UK.
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About the author

D C Ahir

D.C. Ahir (born 1928, Punjab) is a reputed scholar of Buddhist studies, and has made notable contribution to the history of Buddhism during the last 42 years. He retired as Director to the Government of India in February 1986, and since then is fully engaged in enriching literature. He already has more than forty published works to his credit, besides numerous articles on Buddhism. In appreciation of his noble and notable contribution to the Buddhist Literature as a Distinguished Scholarand Author, the Maha Bodhi Society of India, Sarnath conferred on him on 30 November 2001 the Honorary Title of Buddha Sahitya Shiromani.

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Bibliographic information

Title Dr. Ambedkar and Punjab
Author D C Ahir
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1992
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170187362
length viii+142p., Tables; Appendices; Index; 23cm.