East-West Evaluation of Man
The book is an attempt to know and discover the commonness and oneness in East-West approaches towards man and his problems relating to Society and God or the absolute. It reviews the concept of Man and its evolution through the ages. It is not a mere assessment of the East-West ideals. It is an ardent search for the generality of humanity. East-West Evaluation is an assessment of faith in man. It is not a formal study of the East-West ideas and approaches. On the other hand, it is a synthesis of man and his endless development towards perfection. East and West have receded into the background in the context of the emerging ideals of the integrality of man and the oneness of his race. The future of man, in fact, lies in this global understanding and world synthesis. A movement towards this ideal is the true objects of evaluation which is nevertheless rooted in the very nature of man and the aspiration of his race. The book is a very valuable treasure to philosophers, academicians, politicians, educationists, etc.
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