Human Rights And Social Justice And Political Challenge
The present publication represents a timely effort to focus attention on a vital subject that touches the hearts and minds, even the future, of all peoples of the world. It brings together articles, papers, excerpts, comments and abstracts from a wide variety of sources, both Indian and foreign. The purpose is to provide the reader, including the student of sociology and political science, a comprehensive yet non-scholastic profile of the parameters of the forms, content, direction and debate in the area of human rights. Thus the reader will become acquainted with the basis of origins of the human rights. Thus, the reader will become acquainted with the basis of origins of the human rights movement, the celebrated Stockholm Convention declaration, the Indian approach to human rights activism and the debates that rage, the role of the United Nations in the promotion of human rights, and the perceptions of various countries in the sensitive and debated issues of the day. Of particular interest are the excerpts from the views of former UN Secretary General U Thant and the United Nations declared objective in the matter. The publication will be a valuable and useful addition to all social science libraries.
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