Food Chemistry
Present book attempts to clarify the important concepts of food chemistry. The food, its contents like fats, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals etc., have been discussed and an attempt has been made to acquaint the reader with the structure, functions and importance of these molecules which play an important role in our food and nutrition. Methods used to study them and to identify them in the food items have been discussed. The experiments carried out by some workers have also been included at some places to clarify the subject matter. Salient features of the book are: Development of Food Chemistry; Fats and Other Lipids; Carbohydrates Proteins in Foods; Mineral Elements in Foods.It is expected that the book will be of immense help to the teachers and students of food chemistry for undergraduate classes. It is likely to serve as a textbook for students of home science, food technology and for the students of chemistry.
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