A History of Assam
Assam is in many ways a country of exceptional interest. Hemmed in as India is, by the sea on the South-east and South-west, and by the lofty chain of the Himalayas on the North, the only routes between it and the rest of Asia which are practicable for migration on a large scale, lie on its North-West and North-east confines, the so-called Aryans, and many later invaders, such as the Greeks, the Huns, the Pathans, and the Mughals, entered India from the North-west from the North-east, through Assam have come successive hordes of immigrants from the great hive of the Mongolian race in Western China. Many of these immigrants passed on into Bengal, but in that province they have as a rule, become merged in the earlier population. Their influence is seen in the modified physical type of the present inhabitants who are classed as Mongolo-Dravidians.
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This classic book is written by a top most scholar in lucid and simple language.
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