Pathogenesis in Ayurveda (Samprapti)
Samprapti means pathogenesis which deals with the evolution of disease. This book deals in detail about various causative factors of diseases, how these causative factors bring about changes in structural and functional units of the body i.e. vata, pitta and kapha molecules, how these molecular changes bring about the structural derangement in various tissues and organs, how these structural changes derange the functions of organs and how the deranged function of one organ leads to derangement of function of other organs i.e. complications of diseases. This book gives the causes of congenital as well as acquired diseases. Ayurveda has emphasized the importance of suppression of natural urges like passing urine, stool, sneezing, cough etc. in the causation of disease. It has also stressed the importance of obstruction of various ducts and channels in the causation of disease and how to treat these conditions. This book also gives the importance of digestive power and how weak digestive power gives rise to various diseases. The book describes the predisposing factors and manifestations of Grahabadha i.e. supernatural powers. It gives the causes of natural calamities & epidemics. It also describes the importance of various symptoms and their significance. It also describes the various defence mechanisms of the body.
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