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A Buddhist Bible

Dwight Goddard (Author)
Synopsis In these days when human society is invaded as never before by sinister waves of materialism and selfish aggrandisement both individual and national, Buddhism seems to hold out teachings of highest promise. The writings of A Buddhist Bible show the unreality of all conceptions of a personal ego. Their purpose is to awaken faith in the Buddhahood as being one's true self-nature; to kindle aspiration to realise one's true Buddha nature; to energise effort to follow the noble path; in fact, to become Buddha. A true response to the appeal of A Buddhist Bible is not in any outward activities but rather in self-yielding - becoming a clear channel for Buddhahood's indrawing compassion, which enables all sentient beings to become emancipated, enlightened and brought to Buddhahood. A Buddhist Bible contains comprehensive selections of Buddhist scriptures from Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan and modern sources.
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Bibliographic information

Title A Buddhist Bible
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1999
Edition 1st Ed.
Publisher Book Faith India
Language: English
isbn 8173031126
length vii+678p., 23cm.