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Pain and Flesh

Indira Goswami (Author)
Synopsis The poems in this collection cover the various themes that have left an imprint on Dr. Goswami's heart and mind. The very themes which became the plots of her fictions have also become the imaginations and feelings expressed in her poems.  The terrible sense of pain that the sight of buffalo sacrifice creates in her, of an inexplicable surge of pain and awe that the river Brahmaputra brings about, of love and grief that company of the beloved offers…themes such as these has been the source of her prose as well as her poems in this collection.  In her own words, 'Life is a river of separation,' and the poems are experiences of being born into it, living in it and departing with death from it.  Being primarily a prose writer, Dr. Goswami considers her poems as footnotes to her fictions.  But often the poems transcend this and form a poetic world in itself.
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About the author

Indira Goswami

Prof. Indira Goswami (Mamoni Raisom Goswami) is one of the leading writers of India today. She has won the prestigious Jnanpith Award for the year 2000, which is the highest literary award of India. She is also the recipient of many awards and distinctions that include Sahitya Akademi Award, Assam Sahitya Sabha Award, Katha Samman, Sauhardya Samman, Kamal Kumari Foundation national Award, International Tulsi Award. She is known for her novels and research work on the Ramayan. Her short stories and novels have been translated into different Indian languages. The Feature Film "Adaiya" based on her novel Dantal Hatir Une Khowa Howdah won National and International Award. She has travelled widely in South-East Asia, Japan, Europe, Africa and USA. At present she is working as a Professor in the Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, University of Delhi.

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Bibliographic information

Title Pain and Flesh
Format Hardcover
Date published: 10.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8176465917
length 79p.