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Specters of Mother India: The Global Restructuring of an Empire

Mrinalini Sinha (Author)

A huge international controversy followed the 1927 publication of Mother India, an expose written by the American journalist Katherine Mayo. Mother India provided graphic details of a variety of social ills in India, especially those related to the status of women and to the particular plight of the country’s child wives. The book was translated into more than a dozen languages, and it was reviewed in virtually every major publication on five continents. Mrinalini Sinha traces the controversy surrounding Mother India, explaining how the uproar became a catalyst for far-reaching changes, including a reconfiguration of the relationship between the political and social spheres in colonial India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Specters of Mother India: The Global Restructuring of an Empire
Format Hardcover
Date published: 10.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Zubaan
Language: English
isbn 818988400X
length xvii+366p.