Teaching of Science
This book titles as "Teaching of Science' highlights several issues in the area of science education. It has been written with many objectives in mind. One of them is to help all teachers to become a very effective science teacher and create a best impression on the mind of science students. The author of this book has been teaching as a teacher educator, teaching the? Methods of science teaching’ of last thirteen years. So it is the experience of author, the teaching of science involves imparting knowledge of science content, along with development of abilities and skills. Science teaching should be in such a way to prepare young students as a young scientist one. In order to achieve this, science teacher must be perfect enough one. This endeavour helps him to become specialized one by achieving mastery over the art and skill of science teaching. it serves as a basic material to know thoroughly as aspects for science teaching./ This book has been written keeping I view the B.Ed. syllabus framed by NCTE, 80% of which is same in almost all B.Ed. colleges affiliated to any of the university within country. It is the belief of the author that this book no doubt will be a source of great help to B.Ed., M.Ed. students.
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