Minorities of India: Problems & Prospects
The issue of majority-minority has always attracted the attention of both the lay and the knowledgeable since long. Of late, the focus has been more from the perspective of democratic and citizenship rights, human rights, and access to social and economic opportunities. Among the minorities, the status of Muslims, Numerically the largest group, has been dismal in terms of economic status and the level of education including the technical and professional spheres. The book contains the deliberations of a 'Two-day seminar' organized by the Indian council of Social Science research, New Delhi on Minorities of India in the 21st century', which discussed the status of minorities in a multi-dimensional framework to comprehend the problems being faced by them. In particular, it examined the various aspects of the social, economic, administrative issues, and the role of media in relation to the minorities. The papers presented in the seminar have been revised for publication in the book. The book provides a critical evaluation and analysis of the issues facing the minorities especially the Muslims. It will mark a significant advance in the understanding of the complex interplay of social, political, and economic variables to resolve conflicts among the communities within the society. It would undoubtedly be a rich resource of scholarly insights to both the academics and the policy makers alike.
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Bibliographic information
M.A. Jawaid
Shankar Bose