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Canada's Global Engagements and Relations with India

Abdul Nafey (Editor) Christopher Sam Raj (Editor)
Synopsis The compendium examines the contemporary foreign policy concerns and engagements of Canada including relocation and recalibration of its traditional liberal internationalist middle powermanship to address the exigencies of the evolving international order. Academics and practitioners of diplomacy analyze in-depth, themes relating to canada’s search for 'like-minded' partners to promote international peace-keeping, human security, anti-personnel landmines ban and the post -9/11 challenges in terms of Canadian Multilateralism and bilateral relations with US. Scholars also trace the trajectory of Canada-India relations, delineating the historical opportunities and current challenges the two inter-mediate 'like-minded' partners encounter in their bilateral dealings and multilateralist pursuits. The compendium is the outcome of the ongoing scholarly dialogue between Indian and Canadian scholars and foreign policy practitioners under the aegis of Canadian Studies Programme (CSP) of the centre for canadian, US & Latin American studies, school of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru university and the center for Canadian Foreign Policy & federalism, warerloo university, Ontario. The CSP is a unique research-cum-teaching programme in an Indian university dedicated to building scholarly understanding to canada in India.
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About the authors

Abdul Nafey

Dr. Abdul Nafey, Professor, centre for Canadian, US & latin American studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru university; JNU Coordinator for Canadian Studies; and editorial Advisor to the prestigious India Quarterly Journal of the Indian Council of World Affairs, new Delhi. Areas of research interest include Canadian foreign policy and Canadian politics and economy. Recipient of faculty research fellowship; Social Sciences and Humanities fellowship; and faculty Enrichment fellowship of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi.

Christopher Sam Raj

Dr. Christopher Sam Raj is professor and Chairman of the Centre for Canadian, US and latin American Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has been Senior Fulbright fellow attached to Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Fellow as visiting professor at Constance University, Germany; Three times Shastri Indo-canadian Instates fellow as visiting Professor at the Waterloo University, Canada. Areas of research interest include American and Canadian foreign policy and issues of multiculturalisnm in xcanada. Among various publications, he is author of two books: American Military in Europe: Controversy over NATO Burden-Sharin; and Stalking Terror: landmines in Peace and in war. Currently he is also Ordained Priest of the Church of North India Pastoring at the cathedral Church of the redemption, Diocese of Delhi.

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Bibliographic information

Title Canada's Global Engagements and Relations with India
Format Hardcover
Date published: 18.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8178271680
length xiv+354p., Figures; Notes; Index; 25cm.