Modern Librarianship Ushering in Digital Library
Librarianship has been in the lookout for absorbing the new developments thrown open by technologies from time to time. With the advent of computers and the process of automation, librarianship was stated to be the first profession to apply automation to its various functions and services. Libraries in the developed countries, by virtue of their strong infrastructure base and financial status, have been systematically changing their services to meet their clientele's demands and requirements. However libraries in developing countries, though rich in knowledge base and cultural heritage, have not been making use of automation to the desired levels. This book presents a scenario of conventional or traditional librarianship with its functions and practices in academic, public and special libraries in the first two chapters. Practices of special libraries in handling various library housekeeping functions are described in detail. In the following chapter these practices and functions are revisited with automation and the computer applications to show how modern librarianship has emerged. In the succeeding chapters emphasis is on developing digital libraries by converting the print format to digital format and the digitisation process involved in it. Details of digitisation technology, scanning equipment, standards and guidelines for digitisation process and state-of-the-art knowledge on digital library projects in the world are elaborated.
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