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Urban Local Self Government in India

R N Prasad (Author)
Synopsis No Urban Local self-governments are functioning in the notified towns/cities of Mizoram, meghalaya, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh till date. So the urbanites of these states have no participation in the decision-making and implementing processes, though the urbanization in these states is at a faster rate creating urban human problems of complicated nature and the state Governments have not yet implemented the provisions of the Constitution (Seventy-Fourth Amendment) Act, 1992 for the set-up of the Municipalities which are not in keeping with the national goal -democratic decentralized governance and planning processes. The concept of democratic decentralized governance hardly operates states. The book suggests to implements the 74th Constitutional Amendment act, 1992 for a set-up of the urban Governance in the notified towns, to enable the urbanites to participate in decision-making and implementing processes of complicated urban problems affecting directly their daily lives. The book emphasizes people’s empowerment, democratic, decentralized and participative civic governance which the 7th Constitutional Amendment Act envisages. The functions of Stat6e Government and urban Local Self-Governments as partners in a common endeavour to improve the living conditions of the urbanites are emphasized. The volume is full of policy insights into the dynamics of urban local governance. The contributors to the volume have landed in their essays variegated perspectives; descriptive, analytical, logical, empirical and instrumental. The volume will be found useful to students and practitioners of political and administrative systems who are interested in not only understanding the dynamics of urban local governance system but also in identifying solution to the issues and problems concerning effectiveness in the urban governance systems.
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About the author

R N Prasad

R.N. Prasad (b. 1941) is Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration, Mizoram University (Central), Aizawl, and Dean, School of Social Sciences. He has participated in several local, regional, national and international seminars / workshops/ Conferences and contributed many scholarly and research papers. He has more than 75 research papers and book reviews published in academic/professional journals of national and international repute and edited volumes to his credit. He has also authored, co-authored and edited a number of books. He is a member of different academic bodies of several universities, research institutes/ councils and also a life member of professional associations/bodies. He is an Hony. Secretary of the Indian Institute of Public Administrations, Mizoram Regional Branch, and the editor of its annual journal, administrative review.

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Bibliographic information

Title Urban Local Self Government in India
Author R N Prasad
Format Hardcover
Date published: 18.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8183241301
length xvi+224p., Tables; Index; 23cm.