Migrant Women and Urban Labour Market: Concepts and Case Studies of Problems, Gains and Losses
Migration though not a recent phenomenon, the current scale of movement is unprecedented and escalating. Migration is a significant livelihood strategy for the poor. Women play an important role in contemporary migrations throughout the world. However studies present a grim picture of the effects of survival migration. The present work explores gender related issues involved in migration such as the causes that induce women to migrate, the trend and patterns of female migration, its impact on the economic status of migrant families on the costs and returns of female labour migration, the problems encountered by migrant women, livelihood strategies and coping mechanisms employed, the effect of migratory process on the status of children in the family and finally the quality of life of migrant households. Macro anayses relates to All India data on migration with special reference to Tamil Nadu State and micro investigation is confined to a sample of 955 migrant women selected form three areas in Tamil Nadu-Chennai City, Coimbatore City and Tirupur town. Appraising the gains and losses, it is inferred that migration has helped the migrant households to avoid hunger, starvation and death. Though a vital livelihood strategy it has failed to elevate the economic status of all migrating households. The gains are minimal, with quality of life steadily seteriorating and promoting the growth of child labour and accounting for a high drop out among them. The findings and suggestions of this study will be of great relevance to the planners, policy-makers, academic community and the NGOs working towards women's empowerment.
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