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Anita Desai's Female Protagonists

Sudhakar T. Sali (Author)

Anita Desai is one of the most leading Indo-Anglian novelists. She is widely known for the treatment of inner life in her novels. She has made a significant contribution to the development of Indian novel in English by her psychological themes and characterization. The present book is an attempt to provide certain clues for a better understanding of women characters in Anita Desai's novels. The book analyses the psychic turmoil of Anita Desai's female protagonists. Darwin's concept of survival of the fittest is not applicable to them. Here survival is taken up as the competence to adjust with the situations of internal distress and external danger. However the author does agree with Desai's view that one cannot survive without compromise. Drawing the lines means certain death. It is courageous to say a great 'No'. However the real venture lies in saying the great 'Yes'. Swimming against the current can be an attention catching device, but to swim with the current, with other competitors is the real zest of one's stamina. There is no other better way to survival except to accept the facts of life and face them heroically. The book is a critical analysis of Anita Desai's female protagonists dealing with all important aspects of the novelist. It is hoped that the book will be useful to the students, teachers and research scholars in understanding the novelist and her works in a better way.

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About the author

Sudhakar T. Sali

Dr. Sudhakar T. Sali passed his B.A. (Hons) from University of Pune in 1976.  He took his next two degrees, M.A. in English Literature and B.Ed. from the same University in 1978 and 1981 respectively.  He completed his LL.B. FROM Marathwada University in 1987 and P.G.D.T.E. from C.I.E.F.L., Hyderabad in 1991.  He was awarded Ph.D. from his thesis, 'A Study of Women Characters in the Novels of Anita Desai,' by Amravati University, in 1994.  He, has participated in various National and International Conferences and Seminars and published articles in prestigious journals.  At present, he is working as a Reader in English in Jijamata Mahavidyalaya, Buldana, affiliated to Amravati University, Maharashtra.

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Bibliographic information

Title Anita Desai's Female Protagonists
Format Hardcover
Date published: 30.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8184350023, 9788184350029
length xiv+184p., References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.