Disaster Management: Text and Case Studies
The subject of Disaster Management is assuming great importance of late. A few natural disasters like Tsunami, Kashmir earthquake, Mumbai floods have occurred heaping untold miseries on a large population. Man-made disasters, like terrorist attacks for example, the World Trade Centre Towers in New York and London underground train blasts and in Kashmir, accidents on road, sea, rail and air or release of toxic gas like the Bhopal gas tragedy have highlighted the need for national policy on disaster management and mitigation policy. The book "Disaster Management" is an attempt to bridge the gap in the availability on information of disasters. It spells out the need for better disaster management that would bring relief immediately to the victims of the tragedy. Moreover, a disaster should lead to long-term development. This is what is highlighted in the chapters. For the students, and even others, to understand and appreciate the nature of disaster management, its is imperative they are exposed to all the aspects of disaster management in a manner they could easily comprehend. That is why technical jargon has been kept to the minimum. The style is simple and easy to understand. Examples of various types of disasters are furnished. Concrete steps have been suggested how each type of disaster could be tackled with, both in terms of a short-term perspective as well as long-term solutions. Box 1 contains 'key words' and box 2 'topics for study' that could help the students to concentrate on key issues and so appreciate the subject matter better. Students and others could use the book as a reference for dealing with any type of disaster. Each disaster is unique and the nature of mitigation could be different. However, what is needed is not an ad hoc approach but a professional and result-oriented policy that helps the victims. Not only short-term interests of the affected persons should be looked into but also a disaster should spur the government into providing long-term development for the people. For example, quakeproof housing could provide a permanent solution to the earthquake problem. It is expected that the book would serve the interests of the students as a source of information for understanding and appreciating the finer aspects of disaster management. Others like the general readers, the NGOs, government employees and others could find a matter or two that could interest them. The more one understands how a disaster could be handled, the better for a professional approach to disaster management and mitigation.
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