Tools and Techniques of Microbiology
Study material for students are of two types—textbooks and practical manuals. While text books deal with all the theoretical aspects, practical manuals help the students by explaining the schedule of practical study without going into details of concepts. There is a third category of books which combines the best of both theoretical aspects and practical methodology. Tools and Techniques of Microbiology is a book belonging to this category. The book not only gives the theoretical concepts behind the working of various tools used in the microbiology laboratory, but also details the techniques using those tools. The book consists of nine chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction to microbiological study, while chapters two to eight deal with various microbiological tools and techniques using those tools. Chapter nine deals with cleaning and sterilization of glassware. There are two appendices at the end dealing with preparation of stains and also some essential calculations. The book is profusely illustrated to make the understanding of the subject easy.
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